Teenager years are years of change; a m0vement fr0m childho0d to ad0lescence, fr0m the familiar t0 the unfamiliar. Even th0ugh it is a time f0r expl0ring, experimenting and adapting t0 new experiences, it can be quite frightening. As I gr0w, I want to feel free t0 exercise rati0nal, th0ught and free will. If I sh0w kindness t0 s0me0ne less f0rtunate than myself 0r help my m0ther with h0usew0rk, it is because I really want t0 d0 it and n0t because I am forced t0 d0 it.

As a teenager, I s0metimes wish that I kn0w everything and had the answer t0 every questi0ns. In reality, I kn0w it will never happen. The truth is everyday 0f my life, there is s0mething m0re t0 learn, s0mething m0re t0 understand and m0re t0 expl0re, something that will m0tivate and inspire me to be better human being. This make life exciting and w0rthwhile and I lo0k f0rward t0 the breaking 0f a new damn

S0metimes I feel hurt, awkward and embarrassed when I make a remark, that is n0t meant to be funny, yet pe0ple laugh. I am extremely c0nsci0us 0f the 0pini0ns 0f 0ther and have rather str0ng likes and dislikes. I believe other and have rather str0ng likes and dislikes. I believe 0ther teenagers als0 think like me

As a teenager, I am s0metimes m0ody, sometimes it is n0t easy t0 explain why I am miserable because I am n0t sure myself. At 0ther time, I am eager t0 talk ab0ut seri0us things t0 my parents and teacher, but I feel awkward and d0 n0t kn0w where t0 begin. I feel c0nfused and in d0ubt. I feel that s0meday my parents c0ntr0l me as if I were still a child any yet, 0n 0ther days, they seem to expect me t0 be m0re gr0wn-up than I really am. I kn0w my parents sh0w their l0ves f0r me in different ways. S0metimes they are friendly and listen well.

They als0 make a l0t 0f sacrifices t0 give me better educati0n, h0lidays and 0uting. At times my parents sh0w their l0ve in ways I d0 n0t rec0gnize easily. They 0ften seem ann0yed, disapp0inted and dissatisfied with any perf0rmance in sch0ol. They are always urging me t0 make m0re acceptable friends and t0 seek m0re 0ut 0f life. I despair s0metime’s when I see my parent’s determinati0n t0 make sure that I make m0re of my life than they have d0ne. It is n0t easy t0 understand their attitude but I guess I try t0 l0ok deeper. I may begin to see the reas0ns f0r their behavi0r. When my parents ask a l0t 0f questi0ns and even seem t0 be checking up 0n me...perhaps it is a sign that they care?

Basically, life depends on our self-image, attitude, th0ughts, acti0ns, and 0ur acceptance and handling of situati0ns and pe0ple. H0w we 0verc0me frustrati0ns and pr0blems is imp0rtant. Life is n0t always a beds of r0ses, and pe0ple wh0 succeed d0 n0t have fewer pr0blems than th0se wh0 fail. The 0nly pe0ple with0ut pr0blems are th0se in the graveyards. S0... Whenever there is a setback, it is 0kay. It is n0t the pr0blem that matters, it is h0w we perceive situati0ns and tackle them, that makes the wh0le difference.

Meanwhile, I am still learning ab0ut life and ab0ut myself. I believe right n0w... the m0st imp0rtant thing t0 remember is that I am unique and I am 0nly y0ung 0nce, s0... I am g0ing t0 enj0y my teenage years and pr0gress every minutes 0f my day at the same time make the right ch0ices that will ensure a happy for my life….(^_*)
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