Tuesday, 20 December 2011

KeKaDaNg...KiTa JaTuH CinTa TanPa KiTa SeDaR...aiTe....????

pernah tak korang berada di situasi dimana korang tersuka or terjatuh cinta kat seseorang..pastu korang tak pasti dengan apa yang korang rasa..and korang sekeras kerasnye menafikan bahawa korang dah tersuka kat org tu..
maybe org tu macam tak berape nak cun ke..or hensem ke...or maybe bagi korang org tu bukan sapa2 pon.org tu just mcm orang2 yang just in case je...tapi jauh disudut hati..korang mcm ade lah rase weird sikit2...

let me tell u this..

let say la..korang pergi kat suatu majlis or mana2 lah..korang pretend to ignore that person..pandang pon tak..jeling pon tak..korang buat derk je..apa barang der layan mamat camtu..then tibe2 someday..mamat yang tak de brand tu tibe2 menghilang..korang pon cam org giler duk tercari2 manalah yaakob ni...and korang tak senang duduk and terus ter-badmood..
actually at that moment..you are in love with that mamat okey..!

let say la..mamat ni org2 kebanyakan je yang bagi korang..mustahil lah korang nak suka die...and one day..katakanlah orang tu nak pergi travel mana2..and someone tu sepatutnye call korang untuk gitau dia dah selamat sampai but demm..your phone is quiet and you are desperately waiting for the call!!!mata korang asyik duk tengok phone je..plz la call..plz la call..and at that moment..korang sebenarmye dah tersuka dekat mamat yang korang rasa just so-so je tu..

let say la..even kat tempat korang tu..dah ade someone yang bleh mengheppy kan korang..yang bleh buat korang ketawa terbahak bahak..but your eyes and attention might go only to that someone yang langsung tak terlibat dalam proses tersebut maka sedarlah manusia bahawa anda sebenarnya sudah terjatuh cinta dengan beliau itu.

let say la..dalam banyak2 msg..korang tertunggu tunggu org ni msg korang..and bile phone beep beep tet tet je..korang harap die yang msg but actually anak sedare makcik rogayah yg msg..and korang terus rasa frust. korang kalau kat depan2 buat mcm tak heran je padahal korang tertunggu2 sgt die msg korang..so tu tandanya korang dah tersuka dan terjatuh cinta ngn org tu

let say la ..org tu jarang2 sgt text korang or call korang..and korang sanggup tak erase msg2 yang dia hantar so that korang bleh baca balik bile time korang bosan2.and korang sendiri tak tahu kenapa korang mcm tak nak delete msg2 die..and at that moment..actually you are in love..

and lastly..You keep telling yourself, "that someone is just a friend", but you realize that you can not avoid that "hurt feeling" when you see "just friend tu" bersama ngn org lain..korang selalu cakap..kawan je lah..we are just friend but dalam hati korang mcm ade rase cemburu or tak sanggup tengok die ngn org lain..so at that moment..you are in love..

so conclusionnye..kite mmg selalu menidakkan hakikat dengan menyatakan no la..tak la..even deep down inside..kite sedar bahawa hati kite berbunga2 bile org tu dekat ngn kite and hati kite mcm lost something bile org tu jauh dari kite..

so if u think that u are in love..just let them know becoz like a sweet talker said.life is too short..u dont know which day will be your last..because tomorrow is not promised to everyone..

eh btw..while u are reading this silly post..if someone appears in your mind...actually u are in love with that person..chack!!!! i know u do....grrrrrrrrr..

thanks for reading this....(^_*)

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